Monday, December 8, 2014

December 8, 2014 Hola from the other side of the equator

So this week was pretty whatever. I don't really know what is happening ever, so that's neat.

I dont think Ii told you guys this, but we aren't allowed to eat at any restaurants or anything anywhere. We can only eat what our pension gives us and she has to follow specific rules in preparing the food. We aren't allowed to even boil water to drink and we cant eat anything thats not from a bakery or in a package. So we dont get to eat anything that our pension doesnt know how to make. So that kinda sucks but I eat a lot of lentils and stuff, so whatever. Actually I eat a ton of rice its insane, they eat rice with everything. Imagine eating rice with a hamburger or something, its really weird.

We had 3 interviews this week with our 4 investigators that we have baptismal dates for this week. Brissa is getting baptized on Thursday at 5 and Milagros and 2 of her kids on FridayOn Friday we are going to the temple for a session as a zone, so that will be fun I guess.

Yesterday we went to the stake center to watch the Christmas devotional but there was no power in a large chunk of the city so it was canceled. It is very dangerous to be outside if there is no light. People pretty much just go around taking everything they want and you can't even see them, so that sucks. During the earthquake a while ago we just took a taxi straight to our room with another elder so he could stay the night.

Thanks for all the support!
Keep sending me letters! I get totally excited when I get anything and I get sad when I don't. Use dearelder, I'm pretty sure its free and it gives me a physical copy.

Heres some pictures of me with Hermano Pedro. Hes pretty much literally totally gay but he's my favorite. Hes super funny and he comes with us every single day so we can have a member with us. 

Something I wasnt really thinking about before I left was how many drunk people there would be. Like seriously, especially on Sundays and stuff, they are EVERYWHERE! No joke sometimes there are people just laying in the road because they're passed out and I dont know what to do with them. Sometimes theyre in markets where its incredibly busy and I don't understand. Yesterday they were like zombies on the way to church. Seriously, there were 2 guys, no shirt no shoes, only shorts, just walking around in the street like zombies dodging cars. It was totally sketchy.

Yesterday we ate lunch with a recent returned missionary. Hes a chef and we made choufa and we helped him make it and it was delicious. We were like smashing stuff together with weird tools and stuff and idk what cooking even is. He taught us that we should clean the chicken before we eat it, so I'm kinda lucky to not have died or  to be really sick, lololol. I feel stupid a lot.

You should totes send me a recipe book or something of SIMPLE recipes. And not like a big one, just like something small with stuff I can do. Also spice packets and instructions on how to use them. I have easy access to a lot of things, like tomato sauce and mayonnaise and cheese and meat and vegetables, idk.

Btw just so you know my plane will most likely get into salt lake at around 9 pm on August 9th, 2016 in case you were wondering.

I love you guys,
Elder Mitchell
Also theres the gum which is gross.

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