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Kinda funny stories, so last week I was telling you about R, the kid in my ward who is super funny. Another weird thing about him is that he gets robbed like every single week. He basically just has the worst luck ever but he has some super funny stories. A few weeks ago he was going out with a girl and they were walking around at night or something and they got robbed and the robbers robbed almost everything, they even robbed his shoes and his shirt so he had to walk back home barefooted in just shorts with the girl hahahahhaa. He says that before he went less active he only blessed the sacrament one time and that he messed up in the middle of it and when he messed up he swore into the microphone so that EVERYONE in the sacrament meeting could hear him like whaaaaaatttt are you doinnnggggg hahahahhaa. Also the other night we were at his house trying to finish his lessons so he can be considered "active". There was another kid in the room with us named M. The phone started ringing and R answered it but nobody was there so he hung up. Then the phone rang again so he answered it but there was still nobody there. He then proceeded to answer the phone like 4 more times and NOBODY was ever there. He was basically yelling into the phone after the fifth time when M just busts out laughing. Turned out that he was calling from his cell phone in his pocket the whole time. Haaaaaaaaaa.
Another funny thing. A lot of the time when we´re talking with members we get into the conversation of what we were studying before coming into the mission. My companion always says "yeah, I was in college studying electrical engineering" and then they all look at me and ask me what I was studying and I always just keep a straight face and look them directly into the eyes and say "I was studying gynocology" but then I just start laughing so they know that I wasn´t being serious lololol.
I think that´s everything. We have a baptism this week, will send pictures next week.
I´ll attach a picture of me and my companion so you can see that.
Thanks for everything,
Elder Mitchell
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